After seeing A-Rod dominating the news with his steroid admission, I never thought I would ever say this, and I mean ever, the Super Bowl of NASCAR is this Sunday and I don't mind seeing that it on the air waves. Most of the time when I think of NASCAR I think, "My goodness, look at how much gas they are wasting." Sometimes I say, "Daytona 500, the only exciting part is the last 5 laps anyway. They should cut it down to the Dayona 10."
I know some of my family members are race fans, but I am not going to lie, I would rather watch the PBA, PGA, or even the NCAA. Yes, the crashes are a big part of the "sport" however you may have to watch two and a half hours of cars going in ovals to see a minor bump. I have tried to watch this, I have tried to be a fan, I have pretended to care, but all of that gas. I bet prices would plunge another dollar if they got rid of NASCAR.
I have another Math test next Wednesday and I am already starting to prepair. Last night I spent 2.5 hours doing one assignment. I was talking to one of my friends who goes to college at University of Mary, a private college and she said they don't have to take a math to graduate. I figure I will try my hardest and will pass math with a "D" and to me that will be alright. However in the worst case senirio I will transfer down to U Mary after my senior year and gradutate down there. They have a similar program, instead of Broacasting degree, I would be graduating with a Communication degree. I am trying to stay positive and I know I will pass my Math class, but in the back of my mind, I think it helps me know I have a back, back, back,back-up plan. I think.
A peek into the future of my grandchildren’s world
I grew up with the internal combustion engine. When I learned to drive in
high school, the price of a gallon of gasoline was 70 cents. Now that I’m
6 years ago
Just do you best, DVD. I have a lot of confidence in you. Try to make it fun. Maybe bet somebody a quarter. You know how we can get motivated over a bet, no matter how small or inconsequential it is. As for NASDAQ, I don't even try to pretend to be interested. However, I do laugh at Jeff Foxworthy's NASDAQ jokes. That's as far as I'm willing to go.
Whoops, I must have had Ar Vee on my mind, I meant NASCAR not NASDAQ. Haven't heard any good "day trader" stories for a while, or Alka Seltzer Plus. Ar Vee, got any stories left?
Like father, like son. It's a good thing DVD is "prepairing" for a math test and not a spelling test. Hey, VanDykes, there is a spell checker on this blog you might be interested in but that might not have helped the NASDAQ. Kidding aside, I wish I could take your test for you, DVD, I spent a couple hours last night going over my daughter's pre-algebra and another hour this morning with her correcting the problems. Wait until you're married with children. You get to do homework all over again!
Thanks for the "spell check" tip. I went back and spell checked my past blogs.
Oh after a little thought I found this little"Tid Bit" at "The Street.Com" Here's what Jim Cramer had to say about some of the stocks that callers offered up during the "Mad Money Lightning Round" Monday evening:
Sirius Satellite Radio(SIRI Quote - Cramer on SIRI - Stock Picks): "If the government were to allow Sirius to merge with XM(XMSR Quote - Cramer on XMSR - Stock Picks), you would overnight have a $6 stock on your hands." If the merger doesn't go through, Cramer sees Sirius going to $2, and he fears one of the two companies could go out of business. Does anyone know where I'm going with this one? Not even Cramer knows the future.The merged stock hit .06, six cents, Seis centavos, Six pennies, a share,yesterday.I would have been better off betting on "Eddie the Eagle" winning the ski jump in the 1988 winter olympics than buying into this.I suppose there were alot of people saying G.E.was a good buy in the $20s.Now around $12.I had a stock broker tell me once"You're going to make more money on stocks if you hold for the long term".I'm not a real skeptic of stock brokers, but I own stock in alot of companies that have gone broke.That's 0x6=0.After I got a job at the school and quit day trading stocks, I've lost more money in the market than I've Made working.Not that I made alot trading.Now there's some math that's not hard to understand.I'm in a group with others( U.S. Gov.),Big Banks,State of Cal.who all share my pain.The only difference between us,I think, is If I got a bail-out I'd just do the same thing again.I suffered in the 1987 market crash.Got up,dusted myself off and did it again.Now,There's not alot of people saying what to do if you invest in gold,I did so;and when I had doubled my investment I sold at $400 an ounce.It soon doubled again.The trouble in our country is no-one really knows where we go from here.We are in Big troubled waters without a compass, on a cloudy night.Someone once wanted directions only to be told,"I don't think you can get there, from here".That's where we are today.To quote Dorthy in "The Wizard of Oz","I don't think there is anything in that black bag for me".My last thought about this;If my "merged" company,SIRI,ever gets back to $6 a share I'm cashing in and buying stock in a good company!
Thanks for the trip down the "Yellow Brick Road." I heard an ad on TV tonight for one of the "Do it yourself" investment companies and their advice, "Come on you lazy buzzards, start doing some research and invest your hard earned money in whatever you choose. The rewards will be there." The ad was laughable at best. Too many scars to take that ad seriously. This isn't the '90s. This is the economic drama of Obama. Hey, anyone think that the new Treasury head needs to be muzzled along side VP Biden? He opens his trap and the stocks fall, no they tumble. Fall isn't an adequate verb.
Well All- thanks for the laughs. DVD- I too am struggling with the crap that some genius decided to call Algebra. This is the second class of three that I am required to take. Needless to say I have found no real world situations in which to use these mathmatical equations. Good luck!
Now, now, now, let's watch the language. Just because you don't get it, that's no reason to call it CR@P! The goal isn't so you know how to solve equations in the real world, although I have to say it has come in handy crunching numbers when I'm checking hunting lottery results for my job.
The goal is to teach you a logical process for solving a problem. If you want CR@P, what do you call having to take 39 credits of social sciences and humanities to graduate with a computer degree? It seemed the only classes offered during my free time were either US history or political science. There is not enough Mt. Dew in the world to keep me awake through all that. But I did it.
Degree requirements are a fact of life, get over it!
Jeeze RM- You seem a little bitter about the social science thing. As for the GREAT algebra- I think that I am very logical and can solve most things given enough time. Algebra is not logical or useful. Why do I care if x=4+y-6/7? I like basic math- 1+1=2. I can use this type of math in life. Well- I should do my math homework to become logical! :)
Yes, I'm still bitter after 20 years. I went my first 2 years at a community college and wanted to get as much of that required junk out of the way as possible before transferring to the university so as to devote more time to my computer studies. Only to find out they increased they soc sci/humanities credits by about 6 classes. So I was taking summer classes and an overload my first year just to graduate in 4 years. Oh well, makes us all more "well-rounded" individuals I guess. I try to write it all off as a character building experience. Either that, or a caffeine dependance-building experience.
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