I just read an article that said the Senate passed a bill that would delay the switch from analog television to digital. The article went on to say it was a big win for Obama because there was growing concern about millions of Americans not having the proper TV or converter box.
In 2005 congress, passed the bill that would make networks start broadcasting in digital. That gave at least 3 years for Americans to go out and buy a 40 dollar converter box or save up for a new TV. However that has not happened. Everybody just waited until the last minute to upgrade and completely failed. It reminds me of a quote "A person is smart, people are dumb and panicky"
Now the new date four months down the road, June 12. Maybe we will start watching cleaner, more crisp programming, but with the three branches of government controlled by the democrats, who knows when networks will make the switch. I know KMOT in Minot has made the switch early to get everything worked out. They were a head of the curve.. now they are four months a head.
A peek into the future of my grandchildren’s world
I grew up with the internal combustion engine. When I learned to drive in
high school, the price of a gallon of gasoline was 70 cents. Now that I’m
6 years ago
You shouldn't be watching TV anyway. Turn it off and get back to work on that algebra!
Yea I know, but Dirty Jobs and Home Improvement are really addicting shows. Algebra can wait:)
I agree DVD- you can learn a lot more from TV than school. How does the whole "digital" thing work, or what makes it no longer work with analog sets? Just curious.
My question is - if they couldn't get the conversion done in three years, is three more months going to make a difference?!?
Number 1,I wish you could watch Rachael Madow for awhile on what- ever beam.A little balance would do you good.Some in congress are more worried about the people who won't have a TV in four months.They switch TV companies so often here,and change the box on top each time.I honestly don't know what I have.The last guy said don't let anyone fool with the TV stuff.As a person gets older the new tech stuff is overwhelming.And coming from all directions.Evertime I learn my remote channel changer someone buys me a new one.They get bigger and more complex every time.All I want to do is change the channel.I don't like change much,and I really don't like it when I HAVE to.There are alot of Grandma s and Grandpa s that won't understand when the TV quits.I don't get it, and I'm not that old.
Well congress overturned the decision to change the date, so feb 17 is back on. Hopefully the grandparents can call on their young grandkids to come over and fix the tv, so they can get jeopardy and the nightly news.
Rachel Maddow so you can get a little more balanced?...hey what's up with that? I can look at the picture of Baxter on Beagle's blog and get a more balanced view of the news than watching the Rachel Maddow diatribe on MSNBC. She puts me in mind of Ben Stiller in the movie "Zoolander." Rachel's got two looks and they are both the same...the word "Butch" comes to mind. Here's how I would rate the big three on MSNBC -- Hardball is liberal, Keith Olberman is ultra-liberal and Rachel the Great Dane is hyper-liberal.
You guys bring a smile to an otherwise uneventfull day,Face!You must be thinking that congress is alright now.They must be listening!I chose Rachael because she is Janice's favorite.It never hurts to see what the other side is thinking.Rachael reminds me of the Cordingly girls.What makes us great people is we listen to both veiws and compromise in the middle.As long as we are on politics though,I can't figure out why anti-abortion folks are so put out by contraception money?Any Ideas,Meaning is to "stop conception."Maybe thats one of those words that shouldn't be thrown around in public.It makes no sense to me.By the way,the pictures are x's on Randy and DVD again.
You are right...we are getting X's also. As for the abortion issue, I'll start listening to the other side when the linguistics are better. It shouldn't be "Pro-choice." That sounds like someone is picking the topping on their pizza. It should "Pro-infanticide" vs. Pro-life. Glad you liked my Rachel Mad-dog comments. I stay up at night haunted by her mood swings. Ha!
So this is where the party is huh?!
Beagle - you don't get away that easily...weigh in on the Raging Rachel...do you like her concerned look or her angry look best? She's had her 15 minutes of fame...at least on the blog. It's time to move on GOP House members voting in block against the stimulus package. What do you think was up with that...obviously sending a message to Nancy Pelosi. It amazes me that with the sinking economy of California that Amercians are so ready to follow the lead of Pelosi, Waxman, Boxer and others. Also, Derek's picture is back but Randy Meissner's is X tonight.
No pictures of either Lad here yet.Oh,Ya they really sent her a message,"our vote don't matter"EOM.This bunch would cut off their nose to spite their face.The just vote "No"or oppose,opposition bunch.None had any ideas about the economy three months ago,and now they're experts?Those so called pork projects have always been used to bring money into state economies.They are not a bad thing!Believe it or not,PORK spending is better than a WALLSTREET bonus,or JETS from FRANCE.AND,I never get enough clarity to understand,How anti-abortion and anti-contraception can come from the same group of people.Doesn't contraception go hand in hand with anti-abortion?It could prevent unwanted pregnancies and slow the spread of STDs.If it Prevented even a few abortions would'nt it be worth it.Am I missing something,shouldn't that be a no brainer?And Once again we are faced with those in congress who advocate war.Pro-life?--Not to offend anyone on this blog.--Over three hundred children were killed in the recent conflict in Gaza.76 women killed,1600 children wounded(crying in a hospital somewhere right now) and 678 women wounded.The rest of the near 5000 killed and wounded were men.More US soldiers than ever are committing suicide. The silence is deafening from Pro-life advocates.The linguistics also puzzle me as you can tell.Where is compassion??Back to topic,Will I need a new TV? I love my TV!My picture will compare to any at the TV showroom. Jeopardy? I won't be watching them unless they are the team playing the Steelers.Unc I'm tickled you have been watching Rachael.She is a real cutie.#1 don't leave me hanging on this tech stuff.
Looks like Evelyn's boys are scrapping again. The problem with the pork is this...we have no money for it. Again, it makes as much sense of me trying to jump start the economy in North Dakota by running up a Discover card debt, which I can't pay, so I declare bankruptcy. This whole thing is a house of cards. Now, I want to comment on the president's cheap shot at Rush. First of all, he insinuated that all Republican office holders listen to Rush. Aren't there any meetings or hearings that Reps and Senators need to attend? And second, he insinuates that GOPers have no mind of their own but follow a talk show host blindly. What would the donkeys say (like Pelosi and Boxer) if Obama said that they must quit listening to the consternations of Rachel and her ilk? They'd be stomping mad. That's why the shot at Rush was such a low blow by someone who want to be bi-partisan. Give me a break. Seems the only people that can be picked on without retribution is white, Christian, male Republicans. The rest are off limits.
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